
Fix Your Gut LLC and John William Brisson / Jason John Hooper are not liable for your personal health decisions from the information provided. Information that is given on the blog, podcasts, newsletter, e-mails, consultations, live streams, YouTube, educational videos, forum posts / comments, and books are not intended to be a substitute for your health care provider. All matters regarding your personal health require medical supervision by either a doctor, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, chiropractor, nutritionist, dietician or other healthcare professionals. The information and advice, found on this site should be relayed first to your healthcare professional before being applied directly to your life. Information found on this website, or in any of its publications should not be used to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease.

All content, including text, graphics, information, images, blog, podcasts, live streams, YouTube videos, videos, newsletters, e-mails, consultations, comments, and forum posts available on this website is for general information purposes only. Fix Your Gut LLC can not vouch or be held liable for any information provided by a guest on its blog, live streams, videos, forums, or podcasts. Any information that is provided by the guest should be approved by your healthcare professional as well.

Fix Your Gut LLC and John William Brisson / Jason John Hooper will not be held liable for any personal loss or damages that occur from the information provided. By reading / applying the information in our blog, listening to any of our podcasts, watching our live streams, watching videos on our YouTube channel, reading our forum, or reading / applying any material presented in my book, all viewing parties will concede any legal action against the website, its owners, guests, and employees if damages occur. John William Brisson / Jason John Hooper are not MD’s, PA’s, or healthcare professionals, nor do they claim to be one, they are researchers and are relaying information for general purposes only. All information obtained from this site, before being applied to one’s life, MUST be approved first by a medical professional. All information on the website including this disclaimer might change without notice.

Fix Your Gut LLC uses affiliate links (Amazon, Corganic, Orange Burps), unless otherwise disclosed. Fix Your Gut LLC recommends the affiliate products it endorses, ask your medical professional before use.

Also, any supplement recommended through FixYourGut.com should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. The supplements recommended do not substitute for any medications, drugs, or biologics. Always check with your healthcare professional before starting protocols, possible medication interactions with supplementation, or stopping / starting a supplement or medication.

Fix Your Gut LLC and John William Brisson / Jason John Hooper will not be held liable for damages on any information provided on our forums. All information given on any forum should be taken with a grain of salt and should be verified by a healthcare professional before it is applied to your daily life. Fix Your Gut LLC will do its best to remove all questionable posts on our forum; however, it is impossible to review every post immediately. Every post on Fix Your Gut’s forum or comments posted on FixYourGut.com, exclusively represent the views of the poster and Fix Your Gut LLC will not be held responsible for the content of any post or comment.

To join or contribute comments to our blog / forum, you warrant that you will not post anything that is considered to be vulgar, sexually-oriented, obscene, malice, threatening or anything otherwise that violates any U. S. law. If you post anything of such material, your post will be deleted, and you may be banned without warning.

This disclaimer is prominently displayed on FixYourGut.com and comes into effect the moment one views the site whether they come into contact with said disclaimer or not.

With all this being said, we look forward to providing you with the most up to date, accurate information possible.