Everyone believes I have a vendetta against HSO’s.

Maybe I do, maybe I do not. Honestly, I am just tired of everyone saying that HSO’s or that probiotics in general have no side effects whatsoever and that they are perfectly safe.

Probiotics are our friends everyone loves to claim. People need to learn that bacteria are out for themselves, just like most humans! Bacteria are in a commensal relationship with us. This commensal relationship does not mean however that they will not stab us in the back if it is in their favor. Bacteria will help us as long as we make it worth their while and do not ever give them the chance to turn on us.

Enterococcus faecalis is a prime example of this commensal relationship. Enterococcus faecalis lives in our intestines. It helps to properly colonize our gut flora when we are infants. 1 As long as it stays in our intestines and is kept in check through healthy gut flora competition, it works with us. If Enterococcus faecalis ever gets the chance, though it turns on us in a heartbeat.

Enterococcus faecalis can become opportunistic and has been known to cause life-threatening sepsis in humans. Enterococcus faecalis infections have been known to cause endocarditis, 2 UTI’s, 3 sepsis, root canal infections, 4 and meningitis. 5Enterococcus faecalis is also known to be highly antibiotic resistant, 6 7 suppress immune function by suppressing lymphocytes, 8 infect your stomach, make stomach cancer worse, 9 and form biofilms. 10 Since Enterococcus faecalis has been shown in multiple clinical studies as being opportunistic bacteria and has multiple resistances to eradication, I cannot recommend this probiotic for supplementation currently.

Enterococcus faecalis is the main probiotic found in doctor Ohhira’s probiotic. Doctor Ohhira’s probiotic strain of Enterococcus faecalis is a specific strain known as TH10. Enterococcus faecalis TH10 may be a safer strain of Enterococcus faecalis, but there are not enough studies or evidence to show that this strain would not cause severe opportunistic infections like those that the other strains of the same bacteria are known for. In defense of Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic, many people have taken the probiotic, and it has helped their digestive woes. There are, however, anecdotal reviews of people who have taken the probiotic and have had UTI’s and other infections that might have been caused by the probiotic. For this very reason, I do not recommend Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic anymore in any of my protocols (the probiotic also contains carrageenan, which is inflammatory to the gut. 11)

I believe that there are safer probiotics available that people can supplement to help their digestive system. Not using established safer probiotics is my main grievance with the use of Enterococcus faecalis as a “probiotic.” There is very little evidence of its use as a probiotic and a lot of evidence of its virulence.

Instead, other probiotics like Bifidobacterium could be supplemented with a lot less chance of issues and would benefit more people in the end.