When a client told me that Dr. Kenneth Brown had released a new supplement called Atrantil Pro, I became excited and had to check it out. I recommend Atrantil for many clients suffering from methane-dominant archaeal dysbiosis causing Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) constipation symptoms. It is an excellent supplement, and many of my client’s gastrointestinal motility and microbiome have improved. Sadly, upon looking at the listed ingredients on Atrantil Pro, I cannot recommend it to improve your digestive health.
What I Like About Atrantil Pro
I respect Dr. Kenneth Brown. I interviewed him years ago and sent him questions asking how Atrantil worked against methane-dominant archaea, which he quickly answered. I have listened to numerous interviews Dr. Brown has given about Atrantil and about how people can find relief from SIBO and I believe he is very knowledgeable about SIBO. The American facility that produces Atrantil has both Good Manufacturing Practices and NSF certifications. Atrantil Pro is also Non-GMO Project verified and gluten-free.
Atrantil Pro contains many of the same ingredients that Atrantil contains that work well against bacteria (Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and H2S-producing), viruses, yeast, and archaea! Atrantil contains Quebracho colorado extract, horse chestnut extract, and peppermint leaf extract. Intestinal bacteria metabolize these supplement ingredients into the polyphenols quercetin, EGCG, and Urolithin A/B. These polyphenols are also not too broad spectrum against probiotic microbes and have some degree of selectivity. These fermented polyphenol byproducts also might have some degree of antimicrobial activity within the colon for people suffering from Large Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome (LIBO). Finally, the only filler ingredient in the supplement is microcrystalline cellulose, and the capsule is made of hypromellose.1 2 3 4
Why I do not Recommend Atrantil Pro
For years, I have been vocal in numerous blogs against supplementing with some homeostatic soil organisms. I am among the few dissenting opinions on the Internet against supplementing with some homeostatic soil organisms. I do not recommend using Atrantil Pro because the only difference between Atrantil and Atrantil Pro is the addition of “probiotic” homeostatic soil organisms. The specific hemostatic soil strains used in Atrantil Pro include Bacillus subtilis HU58, Bacillus coagulans (SC-208), and Bacillus clausii (SC-109).
- Why I do not recommend Bacillus subtilis
- Why I do not recommend Bacillus coagulans
I have yet to write extensively about why I do not recommend Bacillus clausii. However, I will briefly explain why I do not recommend its supplementation. Numerous case studies have reported sepsis and dysbiosis (sometimes quite severe) when “probiotics” containing Bacillus clausii were taken. Multiple case studies were written about people with compromised immune systems who took Bacillus clausii-containing supplements becoming ill. One good thing about the bacteria is that when compared to Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus claussii might degrade histamine within the digestive tract instead of producing it. Reducing or eliminating Bacillus clausii colony-forming units within our digestive tract might be challenging if overgrown. Like many other Bacillus strains I have written about, Bacillus clausii is quite resilient, so supplement with caution!5 6 7 8
Just Take Atrantil
If you are suffering from gut dysbiosis, I recommend asking your healthcare professional about supplementing with Atrantil and avoiding Atrantil Pro. I look forward to seeing what other products Dr. Kenneth Brown will release.
Have questions about Atrantil, Gut Dysbiosis, or any other health issues?
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- https://blueskyvitamin.com/products/atrantil-atrantil-pro-90-caps ↩
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9029217/ ↩
- https://www.atrantilpro.com/ ↩
- https://www.fixyourgut.com/atrantil-sibo-constipation-ibs-review ↩
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8209711/ ↩
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8598109/ ↩
- https://journals.lww.com/pidj/fulltext/2019/09000/bacillus_clausii_septicemia_in_a_pediatric_patient.26.aspx ↩
- https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/acmi/10.1099/acmi.0.000097?crawler=true ↩
Is it OK to take certain probiotics while taking Atrantil (not the Pro version)? For example, I need to take saccharomyces boulardii to treat a mold infection, but not sure if this probiotic would be destroyed by the Atrantil or not?