I know that I have been bashing HSOs lately with hard science. Maybe I should recommend a “HSO” probiotic for a change.

There is only one “HSO” I can recommend as a probiotic supplement and that “HSO” is Saccharomyces boulardii.

Saccharomyces boulardii is a strain of beneficial yeast that is a soil based organism and is only found as normal gut flora in humans that eat lychee fruit on a regular basis. Saccharomyces boulardii has great potential to help with digestive disorders BUT like all other probiotic bacteria, you should supplement it with caution.

S. boulardii was discovered in the 1920’s by French biologist, Henri Boulard, while he was in Southeast Asia looking for a strain of heat-resistant yeast to help production of wine. A cholera outbreak occurred during his exploration. Boulard noted that natives would either chew on the skins of lychee/mangosteen fruit or make tea with the skins to relieve diarrhea. He later isolated S. boulardii from lychee fruit.1

Saccharomyces boulardii as a probiotic should be used for certain conditions and should not be supplemented on a daily basis. I consider Saccharomyces boulardiito be a specialty probiotic. You should only supplement with S. boulardii if you are suffering from certain medical conditions. S. boulardii also has been shown to help people suffering from acute diarrhea, IBD, and travelers’ diarrhea.2 3 S. boulardii has been shown to help relieve food-borne diarrhea, bacterial related diarrhea, and has been shown to greatly help people with a C. difficile infection by competing with the bacteria directly and inhibiting C. difficile toxin A-associated enteritis.4 5 6 7

The reason I put Saccharomyces boulardii as a HSO in quotation marks is that I do not consider it to only be a soil-based organism. Even though it is not technically part of the natural intestinal flora of humans like most other non-HSO probiotics, I consider Saccharomyces boulardii to be rare important exception. Saccharomyces boulardii unlike another HSO yeast Phanerochaete chrysosporium (which only has one human pathology case study,8 no case studies of its supplementation benefit) has been studied greatly and both the benefits and risks of Saccharomyces boulardii have been well documented. Saccharomyces boulardii can be a beneficial addition to your gut flora if supplemented properly.

S. boulardii should be used with caution in people who have severely compromised immune systems (the same can be said with any probiotic) because of the rare chance of systemic fungal infection (fungemia).9 If fungemia occurs, follow the advanced Candida protocol advocated in Fix Your Gut as well as the yeast herx protocol. S. boulardii may cause allergic symptoms in people with yeast allergies and may sensitize the gut to histamine in people with an elevated Th2 immune system.

Brands of S. boulardii I Recommend: